Do you have a feedback culture?
Mar 30, 2022
What is THE limiting factor in all feedback which prevents us from providing it more frequently?
We have been confronted often with managers and leaders that tell us that it is difficult to deliver negative feedback.
Well, the first question is why a negative feedback?
The 5 golden rules of feedback are:
1) Feedback should not be a surprise
2) Feedback needs to be driven by a clear purpose
3) Preparing and adjusting your mind-set prior to delivering feedback is important
4) Feedback's got to be based on clear and accurate facts
5) Feedback should always encourage the recipient to continue to do the right things and develop the most effective behaviors and habits.
If you do not know how to proceed, join us and share your views with others who may have the same situation to handle. So why a negative feedback?
Inspiring Conversations by Inspiring Culture Association is a virtual live meeting space to facilitate your personal and professional development. A simple platform where start-uppers and leaders can share views, learn and support each other on practical and significant leadership topics. Pick the session you want to attend and join us!
There is one 60’ session per language (French, Italian, English) open every Thursday.
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Inspiring Conversations
Az Inspiring Conversations by Inspiring Culture Association egy virtuális élő találkozóhely, amely megkönnyíti a személyes és szakmai fejlődését.
Egy platform, ahol a kezdő vállalkozások és a vezetők megoszthatják nézeteiket, tanulhatnak és támogathatják egymást gyakorlati és jelentős vezetői témákban. Válassza ki azt a foglalkozást, amelyen részt szeretne venni, és csatlakozzon hozzánk!
Nyelvenként (francia, olasz, angol) egy 60 perces foglalkozás van nyitva minden csütörtökön.
Csatlakozz hozzánk!